*Yuffie, Cid, and Red XIII walk into the theater. Yuffie and Cid sit down with Red sitting down in the aisle next to Cid.* *Aeris runs in late and sits next to Yuffie* AERIS: ...oh. ^_^ What are we watching today?? > Author: Heywood Jablowme YUFFIE: HAHAHA. His name has "blow me" in it. That's funny. RED: No it's not. YUFFIE: Maybe you're right. > - NC-17 YUFFIE: Hell yeah! *Runs. Is drug back by security* AERIS: O_o;;; ...I don't think I want to see this. > - English - Romance - Reviews: 7 CID: All of them bad right? > _________________________________________________________________ AERIS: Once you step over this line, there's no going back........unfortunately. > Cloud, Barret, Yuffie, and Tifa were walking to Cosmo Canyon. CID: And I'm not with them! YES! This #$%* rocks! Hey, why is my cursing censored and Yuffie's not? YUFFIE: Because I use words like "hell" and "damn". You use words like @%#$, *^&%, and @!$%. RED: Well that makes a whole lot of #%@$ing sense. AERIS: Please say I'm not in this, please say I'm not in this, oh PLEASE say I'm not in this!! > Dammit, how long is this gonna take? Barret complained. RED: And we have no quotation marks. Joy. AERIS: (to Barret) Forever. > If you're tired, we'll stop for the night, Cloud said. > Yeah, that sounds good. CID: And that was said by. . . .? AERIS: Me! ^_^ > After setting up a couple of tents, YUFFIE: *Snicker* All too easy. AERIS: ...In Cloud's pants. (Everyone looks at Aeris strangely) AERIS: What?? Aren't I allowed to be perverted sometimes, too?? > Tifa stood up. AERIS: And fell back down. She had a little too much to drink. > I'm going to walk by the beach. AERIS: (Tifa) But not on it. > Yeah, Barret said. I'll go with ya > This left Cloud and Yuffie alone. YUFFIE: Oh dear Lord. I don't like where this is going. AERIS: *patpat* There there, Yuffie... I'm sure it won't be that bad. > Cloud stared at her. She just looked > at the fire, ignoring him. AERIS: (Yuffie) You suck, Cloud. > So, Cloud said. We're alone. > Uh-huh. AERIS: Yup. > No one to bother us. AERIS: Sure. > Um, yeah... RED: Yuffie and Cloud sitting in a tree. F-U-C--OW! That hurt! YUFFIE: Yeah, well don't start with me and I won't have to hit you again. > C'mere. There something in the tent I want to show you. CID: And will she go for something this obvious? AERIS: (Cloud) Yeees... something in the tent... *mimes unzipping pants* > Yuffie followed Cloud to his tent. She followed him inside, RED: So she followed him in twice? AERIS: *giggles* Cloud must have big pants... > and Cloud sealed the tent shut. AERIS: Suffocating them, the end. > Uh, Cloud, what are you doing? Yuffie said. YUFFIE: Wow. I'm not to bright in this fic am I? > You'll see. > Cloud unzipped his pants. AERIS: Eeek! > Cloud, I know you got problems, but this is goin' too far! CID: So it stoped? The end? Please? > Shut up. He pulled out his sword (the metal one) RED: *Snicker* Thanks for clearing that up. AERIS: Phew... if the author didn't explain that, I'd have thought Cloud was threatening Yuffie with his dick. >< > and put to her neck. YUFFIE: Huh? Fic no make sense. RED: Is the author to cheap to get an "it"? > Complain, and I'll slice your head off. > Yuffie fell YUFFIE: Me fall down, go boom. > silent. Fear was in her eyes. AERIS: Don't you hate when something gets in your eyes? > Good. Now take off your shirt. CID: But how could she take off her shirt if Cloud had his sword to her neck? > Yuffie did as she was told. Cloud focused on her as she revealed her > small tits. AERIS: So small, he needed a magnifying glass to find them! > Nice, Cloud said as he caressed her right tit. RED: So is he still holding the sword? This is so confusing. > Yuffie moaned softly. CID: Cause all women love getting raped. AERIS: -_- *sigh* It seems most fic-writers think so. > The fear left her. RED: *As fear* See you later Yuffie. AERIS: Sooo... since Cloud is feeling her boobs, everything's okay now? O_o;;; > She started to unzip her shorts. Cloud stopped her. AERIS: Yay!!! > I'll do that. AERIS: Boooo!! > He unzipped her shorts the rest of the way, revealing her panties. > Cloud very slowly pulled them off. Yuffie was completely naked now. YUFFIE: So what about her boots? Headband? Hmmm? > Cloud bent over slightly. He started to lick her bald pussy. CID: And he's still holding her hostage with the sword? AERIS: Premature hairloss is nothing to be ashamed of. .....Oh. -_- *sigh* Even I can't make a joke out of that. > Yuffie was moaning loudly. She hit her peak multiple times, as her > body shook violently. RED: So violently that she died? The end? AERIS: She's having a seizure!!! > Finally, Cloud stopped. He unzipped his pants, AERIS: But... didn't he do that awhile ago? > and pulled > them off. He pulled off his underwear, and revealed his cock. RED: Why did he have a chicken in his pants? YUFFIE: Err... RED: What? AERIS: Nooo! It's a chocobo!!! > I want you to suck my dick, He said. > Yuffie nodded. She bent over, and put all 8 inches of his dick AERIS: *bursts out laughing* > into > her mouth. Just then, Cloud stopped her. AERIS: Again? Can't we just get this over with? > Move your body the other way. ALL: Huh? > Yuffie moved so her cunt was in Cloud's face. CID: In Cloud's face? Or do you mean near it? Cause if it's "in" Cloud's face then, well Cloud is dead. AERIS: Ewww... >< Thanks for bringing that up, Cid. > She resumed sucking his dick, while Cloud inspected her cunt. RED: He then stamped it. *Inspected by #47* > He put a finger inside her hole, AERIS: Into her nose, I hope. > and startled Yuffie. She stopped AERIS: Enough with the stopping!!! > for a second and moaned. > Her tight pussy had never had anything in it, AERIS: Except for Cloud's face. > so this was entirely > new to her. CID: So she's never done this before and yet seems to act like a seasoned harlot? > Keep sucking it, Yuffie, Cloud warned. > She resumed, and soon Cloud's cum was filling her mouth. AERIS: And she drowned. > She > swallowed his fluid and got up. > Can you..... touch me there again? She asked. CID: And then the police came and took Cloud to jail for raping a minor. AERIS: And threatening her, too. Don't forget the sword. > She got her answer when Cloud sat her down and spread her legs. AERIS: (Cloud) Lunch time! (normal) Ew... *shudder* > Her > cunt was in plain view. AERIS: Was it hiding before? > Cloud stuck a finger inside. She was > extremely wet. He went in only about one inch, then stopped. AERIS: *screams* > He > pumped his dick to a full erection. YUFFIE: With a tire pump? CID: Okay I think I speak for us all. Ewwww. AERIS: Wow. Cloud's really pumped up. ^_^; > Get up, He muttered. > Yuffie stood up, and looked at his cock. AERIS: (Yuffie) What the hell is that!? > Cloud spoke again. > You know how to fuck? He asked. Yuffie nodded. RED: *Raises a paw* The fic said earlier that she didn't. > Good. Do it. AERIS: Hey! Stupid fic... don't ignore Red's point. > Cloud layed down, and Yuffie eased herself down on his dick. Cloud > all of a sudden thrust upwards, filling her pussy and tearing her AERIS: A new one. > hymen. > Yuffie cried out in pain and pleasure. CID: Ah, a classic. AERIS: >< Stupid "classic"... > Cloud pulled out and pumped back in, AERIS: And repeated the process. > stretching her tight pussy. > His dick shoved in and out, > making her moan more and more RED: And more, and more, and more. > as she got closer to her climax. > Suddenly, she wrapped her legs around him and trapped his cock deep > inside her. AERIS: Crushing it. > Her pussy walls contracted, trying to AERIS: Crush him. *nods* > get him to cum > with her. > After more pumping, Cloud finally AERIS: Gave up and went home? > shot his jizz deep into her cunt. > Cum leaked out from her hole and around his dick. AERIS: Eeeewwwww.... > Yuffie stood up. AERIS: And fell down. > Can we do this again? She asked. AERIS: No!!! > Sure, anytime. CID: Well as long as we don't have to read part two of this fic, I don't give a @#$% what they do. AERIS: -_- That was horrible... can we leave now??